11 Most Creative Bookstagrammers to Follow in 2020 – I’ve experienced a very great journey in Bookstagram community as it helps me to connect directly to the literacy world. Here’s what I’ve got: new friends, new book recommendations, great ideas to do book photography, encouragement to read more and more books, and so on.
I know, I didn’t have much time to manage my Bookstagram account these past few months because I got another responsibility that I need to prioritize. However, going back to this thing has always been something I’m looking forward to.
Well, in this post, I’ve discovered so many amazing accounts and I got 11 most creative Bookstagrammers to follow in 2018. Each account has their own style and characteristic that makes everybody falls in love instantly.
All these accounts made by love -love of books and art-, creativity, aesthetics, and the most important thing is… effort. Here they are and my favorite photos of them!
11 Most Creative Bookstagrammers to Follow in 2020
Linh, the girl behind this account is undoubtedly talented. And yes, shes’s one of the most creative Bookstagrammers to follow in 2018. I like the way she applied the filter to her photos so it may looks so warm. Besides, I adore her room decoration with bookshelf installed on the wall and the tumblr lights make it more comfortable.
Coleen really knows how to make a messy bedroom looks so aesthetically pleasing. Even it’s so messy, but it feels so neat, isn’t it? To be frank I often see a picture like this, but I guess this is one of the best. So, if you’re a Bookstagrammer too, maybe you can try to pose like this and take a picture from high-angle to add diversity in your feed.
One of the most creative Bookstagrammers I’d like you to know is @booksandteacups. Charlotte always uses simple props to make all of her pictures become more interesting.
For instance, his bibliophile pillow (I want this!), glasses, sweater, wristwatch, and mug full of coffee or hot chocolate. This account has become one of my inspirations in capturing something new and stunning for my feed.
I have to admit that when I’m scrolling down her feed, it feels like I’m browsing Pinterest. I’m in love with her photos, like literally. She combines books, coffee, also lifestyle and it makes everything sooo perfect. As far as I remember, she has been growing her own account really fast. Another thing is, she is really humble and her personality amazed me.
Well, who says that only girls are book lovers? Introduce my friend, Thomas from France. His simplicity in taking photographs gets me want to double-tap all of his works.
You know, he’s the one who gave me inspiration about organizing bookshelf in a very different way, which is showing the fore edge of books, instead of its books spines, which is unusual. Anyway, don’t you wanna try it, too?
Micah is special, so special. She features wood elements for her Bookstagram, that’s why you’ll find her feed a bit dark, bold, and solid. As you can see in her picture below, she loves to use different props, such as such a typewriter machine, a glass of tea, cat, also dried roses or leaves. So, son’t be surprise if I call her one of the most creative Bookstagrammers to follow in 2018.
Honestly, she is also one the most creative Bookstagrammers I’ve ever met. I can bravely say that you have to follow her as she deserves more admirers! Actually, in case you’re asking, what makes this account different from others?
Well, if you’re scrolling down her feed, you’re gonna know easily that Bronte made a special effect, like animation in her photos. Furthermore, she has created a stop-motion video to show how she’s really into books. Bronte loves to give tutorial (also Behind the Scene of her works) on her Insta Stories as well.
Wooden floor, comfy chair and its big pillow, white walls, poster of map, many book stacks, also the natural light. This is one of the enjoyable book nooks I’ve ever seen. And in a sudden I wish I had a reading spot like this one in my room.
Oh plus, she’s very consistent in the way she applied the filter and used the same theme. It’s very useful to be better known by other Bookstagrammers.
If I’m not mistaken, she is Indonesian who lives in Norway. You don’t know how much I’ve been adoring her creativity and her effort in making stunning feed. Stefie is so pretty, and kind, and humble to everyone else.
She often replied comments and I think it’s a very effective way to increase the Instagram engagement with fellow Bookstagrammers.
In an article I’ve read, she said that posting contents regularly and consistently can help to boost your followers. So yeah, don’t be surprised with the rapid growth of her followers.
Another most creative Bookstagrammers that catch my attention. I’ve been following Alexandra since the first time I created my account.
She loves to share any book recommendations and it might become one of the sources to find a good book to read as many people often feel confused about “What to read next?”, “What was the latest book Penguin (publisher) has published?”, “Where to buy books online?”, and so on.
Shoutout to Emily Sweet, the master of rainbow bookshelf! It gets me envy, though. I could stare at her colorful bookshelf for so long because it feels like home, so brilliant, and of course it will catch my attention in every way. Believe me, this is the best color coordinated book spines I’ve ever enjoyed.
I hope I can reach her level in organizing bookshelf. If I had these beautiful shelves in my room, I promise that I won’t let you touch it or re-arrange the position. LOL! 😀
Read also: 15 Rupi Kaur Powerful Quotes Every Girl Needs to Read
I need to say to you that I have crush on more than 11 Bookstagram accounts, but I’ll let you know who’s entitled to get more appreciation as The Most Creative Bookstagrammers.
I bet some of you are following these accounts already, but I also know you have another pretty accounts in your recommendation list, too!
So, please don’t hesitate to tell me who else have creative and inspiring feeds. Just drop your comments in the box below.
You can write yours, too! I’m gonna check it out and give you a follow because every Bookstagrammer is worth to follow, isn’t it? And oh… one more thing, in case you want to visit mine, there you go, @sintiawithbooks.
Have a bookish day, everyone!
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Yes to all of this! I also love to recommend you to check Celeste @prettygeekery. Her unboxing video is amazing ✨✨ I also love @wingedbooks, @feanoreads , @stellabookishart, @serendipitybookss,@maw_reads, @readinglikeroyals, @darkfaerietales_
Thanks a lot, Hana! I think that I need to make another post of Most Creative Bookstagrammers in my blog. LOL!